Kremlin: Trab is a "partner", not a competitor – World


The hope that next week's Russia-US summit could pave the way for a visit by US President Donald Trump to Moscow and another by President Vladimir Putin in Washington, expressing the Kremlin.

Nobody expects Monday's summit, the first of the two leaders, to lead to major political progress, given the tense relations between the two countries, which are at lowest level since the Cold War. , who has long advocated for a meeting between Putin and Trab, hopes that this will be the beginning of a thaw that will allow the gradual rebuilding of relations so that the two cooperate on a pragmatic basis in areas where they have common interests

"Po you do not know, but see, there may be a discussion on specific visits to Moscow or Washington," said today the spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Yuri Wozakov, marking the summit "The main event of the summer."

We want that there is a chance that these talks create an atmosphere that will allow us to discuss new contacts and, in particular, regular contacts in the form of visits to respective countries, "he said.

At the same time, Uzakov said the road to be held at the Finnish presidential palace in the center of Helsinki will begin by a conve private meeting with only interpreters

Negotiations will then be expanded to include members of both delegations. In addition, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will hold parallel talks in Helsinki with his US counterpart Mike Pombeo

. "It is obvious to all that cooperation between the two countries is in crisis recently," said Usakov. "(But) there is no objective reason for the tensions that have been developed for us."

"Trab said that he considers Putin as a competitor, I would say that we consider Tramb as a trading partner, and we hope the negotiations will continue"

As he noted, the Cold War ended long ago, and in some areas, such as international security, arms control and the fight against international terrorism, Russian and American interests coincide

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