Let Tsipras vote against the measures for pensions and tax free and we will support him


The leader of the main opposition describes as "graphic" the efforts of government officials to present the New Democracy and the same as the far right

Abolish the measures to reduce pensions and reduce taxes, what she voted, calls the government the president of the New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, saying that the main opposition will support such an initiative.

"If Mr. Tsipras understands what he says, that there are no commitments for the next day of the memoranda, that he relive the new measures of 5.2 billion euros, which he voted, "Mitsotakis said at a press conference in Patras. "We will support him in this case because we have never voted for these measures, let us not forget that," he added.

The opposition leader described as "graphic" the attempt by government officials to introduce the New Democracy and himself as a rightist. Much more, he said, "Mr. Tsipras joins the far right, was his great" sponsor "and co-opted with the Golden Dawn to throw the previous government."

Criticizing the government and criticizing the government's attitude in Macedonian, Mr. Mitsotakis noted: "What we are living is an absurd company, a tramp.The only thing that connects SYRIZA and ANEL is their pbadion and their love for the chairs of power.They were divorced from society.The only solution to the elections as soon as possible. "

In a question about the attacks that it receives from the government after reports about the Communication with Constantine Frouzis, the president of New Democracy said that he once met before taking his party leadership, with this Novartis manager. This was the reason why "partisan" methods and provocative government interventions in the work of justice led to the retreat of the rule of law.

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