Libya: 63 migrants in the Mediterranean – The world is missing


Sixty-three immigrants are missing after the sinking of an inflatable boat off Libya, a spokesman for the Libyan navy citing French Agency citing testimonies of rescued people.

According to Admiral Ayumi Kasym, 41 migrants who wore lifejackets survived.

As reported by the survivors, the sailboat, which was loaded with 104 people, sank off the town of Garabouli, about

In addition to these 41 survivors, a Libyan coastguard carried 235 immigrants in Tripoli Monday, including 54 children and 29 women, who were rescued in two previous companies in the same area

. The boat arrived at Tris (19659002) The new wreckage increases to at least 170 the number of immigrants declared missing in the Mediterranean since Friday

On Friday, the bodies of three children were found, while approximately a quarter 100 people were missing after the sinking of the ship

16 immigrants, all young men, were saved

Libya is a country of destination or transit to Europe for tens of thousands of immigrants, mainly from Africa and Africa. Middle East

Several hundred people die each year in their attempts to cross the central Mediterranean in extreme conditions to reach Italy from the Libyan coast, where networks of traffickers are trying to exploit the Persistent political instability in this country [19659011] window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ();

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