Long: The real borders of Europe are those that separate the "progressives" from the "nationalists" | World


French President Emmanuel Macron declared that "the true borders of Europe" are those that separate the "progressives" from the "nationalists" and that the conflict between these two "camps" will be at the center of the European elections in 2019.

"The real border that separates Europe today is that between progressives and nationalists (…) It will be difficult, but this battle (…) will be at the heart of the elections European elections of 2019, "said the French president, who advocated re-election"

Referring to the "French plan" for the reform of Europe, which currently affects the weakening of the German Chancellor, Angels Merkel, but also to the continued rise of populism – even in the founding countries of the EU as Italy – Makron said that it has already allowed "real progress, that some people thought that Was impossible to do. "The French president has not amment cited the Franco-French agreement between France and Germany, which "allows to lay the foundations of a budget of the euro area" and to implement a single defense policy, an idea "abandoned for 70 years" 19659002] "In any case, this real progress should not make us forget the uncertainties (…) Europe is still too slow, too bureaucratic, very divided to deal with the harshness of political, migration and technological change "more

" Neither the challenges of trade, nor the challenges of the climate, nor that of the defense sector, nor the economic and monetary challenges can be solved by being isolated and, even less, challenging immigration. On these issues, the solution can only be European cooperation, "said Makron

" No short-term nationalist policies will solve immigration, "an issue that" can not be solved either by the government or the government. " the emotion it causes. "

" Our answers are about strengthening our common borders in Europe and a policy of responsibility and solidarity in Europe.We must remain faithful to our Constitution, which unconditionally protects asylum seekers but imposes specific rules on those who, for economic reasons, leave their country to come to our home, "he said. Finally, she stressed the need for France to strengthen its cooperation with African countries, from which many "desperate young people" leave who, for the most part, do not have the right to apply asylum

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