Low Morale and Anxiety in the West Wing of the White House | thetoc.gr


What followed the joint press conference by US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin directly affected the morale of the White House staff. The morale of the US government's decision-making center is at its lowest level since the Charlottesville fiasco a year ago, commenting Politico

as last August, when the US president refused to condemn. protesters of the neo-Nazis, so Trump's efforts to deal with the wave of anger failed. The announcements that followed the meeting of the two presidents even made it clear to his political allies that Tramb, while technically acknowledging a mistake, basically said what he said, that he believed the president's refusal Putin to engage Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

"People have been anxious," said a Republican close to the White House. "Nobody wants to be in the center of advertising by resigning today, and there is a group of people who are considering resigning after the midterm elections.These people are thinking of speeding up the processes involved." [19659002] Several supporters of President Trab have publicly criticized it, while almost all privately declare that they were disappointed with his actions and his performances. They note that despite the fact that Trab's ads were apologetic, their implications for policy making are minimal. It is precisely for this reason that senior officials such as Foreign Minister Mike Pombeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton will influence foreign policy.

Just as the Charlottesville developments sparked many questions, the image of Helsinki serious questions that focus on senior US officials who accept that Russia is a serious competitor to the United States but also on how these officials will continue to work for a president

For trabbi critics, even for Republicans, Charlottesville and Helsinki represent a weak leadership ethic.

The predecessors of Trabab were inspired by leadership and in cases where they were unable to exercise it effectively. "The ethics of leadership is crucial for the president," says Alan Litchman, US presidential historian and author of "The War War in America," which will be released shortly. "He sets the tone not only for our nation but also for the world because the president is the leader of the free world," he says.

Many of the greatest contradictions of the Trumbal presidency come from those moments of moral aoristology.

His speeches lack reports such as President Reagan for a "Shining City on the Hill", or references such as those made by former President George W. Bush on "The Axis of Evil" ".

These phrases marked the US Presidency at all by continuing the tradition that the presidential leadership played a role in shaping the ethics of the country and the world.

President Trab has rejected this tradition since the beginning of his presidency when he used the speech. to resume presidential duties to describe the "mbadacre of America", and repeatedly downplayed America's idea of ​​being a beacon of the world. He declined in February 2017 in an interview with former Fox News Bill Oreilly to condemn Vladimir Putin's free press. "There are a lot of murderers," Trab said. "Do you think our country is innocent?"

Although the majority of Republicans, Democrats and Independents say that it is important for the President to have an ethic in leadership, a poll conducted in May 22% of Republicans and 90% of Democrats stated that President Trab had very weak ethical leadership.

"You can not underestimate the importance of moral moments when you look at Lincoln's second oath.We are all still inspired by Lincoln's words.There is someone who s & # 39; Inspired by something that Donald Trub said, "said Litsman.

President Trabbi's attempt to rewrite the story for Russia this week has revived the concerns above. The US president has abandoned his written comments aimed at clarifying his statements at the Helsinki press conference with Putin. In this interview, Trab made the findings of the US secret service at the same level as Russia's participation in the 2016 presidential election and Putin's refusal to do so

After acknowledging Russia's guilt President Trab added, "There could be others, there are many others."

Source: "Politico"

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