"Luis Enrique, the new technician from Spain" World 2018 and Spain


After the heavy blockade of Russia, Spain, they want to turn a page. According to what they say in Spain, Luis Enrique is the man who will sit on the bench of the team.

In particular, they claim that Monday (9/7) the Football Association of Spain will announce the name of his new technician. with 1966002] Mitchell and Flores have already been dismissed as reported by Paco Hemet, Pepe Mel, and Roberto Martinez

İspanya milli takımının yeni teknik direktörü Luis Enrique olacak. (19459006) – 19 / Dünya kupası football (@ 7_7_7football) n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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