Magy Charalambidou's response to George Polychroniou's comment that he is 50


Recently, in an interview given by George PolychroniouAt breakfast, he also mentioned his ex-wife, Magy Charalambidou, who commented on his age. "Maggie Haralambidou grew up in a frenzied way, she is 50. What am I doing for 50 years? I'm moving between 20 and 40. If I'm 40, I have to see an identity to conquer, "he said at the time.

Television cameras encountered Maggie Charalambidou and asked her about her ex-husband's comment, with the radio producer not hiding her discomfort.

"But is it possible for you to praise him and say such stupidity? I always try to find a reason because George is a young child and for all, there is a reason to do it. I saw that the subject had played everywhere, I thought that I just wanted to play everywhere, so she said what to say, I'll say it.I had it at her party and he would tell me how much I am god and how old am I, what am I doing, that I am a teenager and an eternal teenager.As he is not used to telling others before and others at the back, he just did it for fun, "he said.


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