Make reforms in self-government


"Local governments, especially in the current situation, characterized by the departure of our country from the country and by the European context of rising xenophobia and racism, can play an important social and development role, and at the same time , to play a role of defense of democracy, "she said in an article in the" New Page ", the regional governor of Attica, Rea of ​​Duro.

According to him, "at the national level, the regions of the country can play the role of" locomotive "of a new model of development, focused on extroversion, innovation and the spirit of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Company, creating and supporting a serious social solidarity network ".

At the same time, however, he stresses that "in order to function in this way, a reform of institutional adjustment is necessary, which requires legislative reforms which, without budgetary expenditure, protect local communities, relieve them of all guilt, clarify and simplify the institutional framework and free up the enormous potential of the regions. "

He adds that "today, with the end of the commission, there is no longer any excuse for the reforms to go forward", noting in particular " that there is no excuse for ending, for example, at transfer of responsibilities in regions without appropriate transfer of resources ".

Finally, Ms. Dourou said that the request for recasting the responsibilities of local authorities was extremely timely in view of the revision of the Constitution, as the region of Attica had submitted its proposals in due course.

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