Makron suffers from the Benalas affair, but he can resist – Newsbeast


The Paris Public Prosecutor announced today the launch of a new investigation into the Benalla case for new incidents of violence committed this morning in Paris, this time at the Botanical Garden, a few hours later. before the conflicts on the place of Constrskarp. 19659002] The investigation began after the charges against two young people aged 23 and 24, who complained of being violently badaulted at the Botanical Garden, where they were former collaborators of 39 Elise Alexander Benalas and Vansan Kras, another member of the ruling party LREM

These violent acts were committed on 1 May in Paris, but a few hours before the serious incidents of which he is accused, transmitted by the LREM. French Agency and relaying the Athenian Press Agency

. In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, Benallas denied any "intervention" on his part during the events reported during the new French judicial inquiry. "I was behind the police as an observer, we can clearly see …"

The new investigation began among other things "for the purpose of violence by a person occupying a public office . "

According to counsel for the two applicants, Vansan Kras and Alexandr Benalas and the officer accompanying them that day were identified in a relevant video published by Libération.

Blast on popularity of Makron

The popularity of French President Emmanuel Long falls, cont according to experts

What is the Benalas affair? A question about which we are drowning in a drop of water, as the head of state says, or a slow-acting venom for the rest of his five-year term? In the first year, the business "scolds" eight out of ten French people, according to the Elabe Institute survey, while two-thirds of them (OpinionWay) consider it "serious".

Macron loses 4 points of its popularity in late July, according to the Ipsos Institute. With 32% of respondents having a positive opinion, Makron is at the lowest level of popularity since September 2017.

In the Ifop survey, Makron only loses one unit and reaches 39%, but because she was held in two the president won a unit, but in a second wave from July 25 to 27, Macron lost three points to 37% and is at its lowest level.

"The Benalas affair has had a real impact but does not lead to a break with public opinion," said Frederick Dahmi, Deputy Director General of Ifop: "In spite media explosion, the main criticisms of the French continue to concern economic and social issues, the president of the rich, the unjust policy … "

Harris Interactive gives Macron a double increase, to 42%, after two weeks of big fall

To the extent that the French are concerned about the president, 73% of respondents think that the case has a negative effect on it (Elabe). And there is no more than 49% (-8) who believe that Makron "embodies change" (OpinionWay).

However, the case did not lead to a loss of support for the head of state: at the same time the Socialist Francois Hollande was weaker (27%) and that of the president right Nicolas Sarkozy (38%) than his in Ifop polls.

"Makron's power is above all his prestige, and if this hypothesis exacerbates his commitment to breaking past behavior, it is a long-term and medium-term problem," explains Bruno Zambart. , Deputy Director General of OpinionWay

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