Makron "wounded" the French ambassador who eulogized Orban at the immigrant – World


French President Emmanuel Makron sent the French ambbadador to Hungary this weekend after the media leaked a secret document praising the immigration policy of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Pascal Andréani was appointed new ambbadador to France in Budapest and will replace Erick Fournier, who will badume other duties, according to a decree published Saturday in the government newspaper.

In a confidential document dated June 18, was sent to the Makron office and published on the Mediapart website, Fournier said that Hungary is a "model" for the treatment of refugees and that the accusations of populism against Orban are

The former ambbadador to Hungary also wrote that the French media accusing Hungary of anti-Semitism seek to divert public opinion from the "real anti-Semitism" that comes "from Muslims in France and in Germany ".

Asked about the document Friday, Makron replied that he did not share the views of the ambbadador and was not a French official policy

"If the ambbadador had made these statements publicly, "

Makron contradicted Orban and other East European leaders accusing them of failing to uphold democratic values ​​by refusing to accept refugees [19659008] said the French president at a press conference in Brussels. window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ();

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