Malta and France will receive 100 of the 442 immigrants


Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte reported via Facebook that France and Malta will host a total of one hundred immigrants and refugees out of four hundred and forty-two on two military ships, Frontex and the Italian Navy, South Konte and other countries, they will soon be willing to welcome some of the survivors. Yesterday, the head of the Italian government, as he wrote on the Internet, had talks on the issue with the twenty-seven heads of governments of the member countries of the Union.

The Italian government, as the Athenian News Agency, has made it clear that it will not welcome all these migrants and refugees and that an equitable distribution must be decided in all EU Member States.

Meanwhile, the Spanish authorities have announced that they have rescued more than 340 immigrants in Mesog

The Spanish coastguard reported that 240 people were rescued in 12 floating boats-10 in the Strait of Gibraltar, two in the sea of ​​Alboran, which separates one of them,

According to a spokesman, Guardia Civil has saved more than 100 other migrants in the Mediterranean

According to the latest report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 16,902 immigrants arrived in Spain. e authority year, while others 294 were killed in their attempt to reach the Spanish coast. A total of over 1400 people were drowned in the Mediterranean trying to reach the shores of European states this year

Last month, Spain agreed to host 630 immigrants on three ships , including Aquarius, the boat hired by a French NGO, following the refusal of Italy and Malta to accept them.

On July 4, a ship of the Spanish NGO ProActiva Open Arms arrived in Barcelona and unloaded 60 Libyan migrants who had been rescued in the Mediterranean after his refusal. Mr of the Italian Government to welcome them

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