Mamma mia! Here we are, criticism – Cinema



<img src = "" alt = "The Athenian Rebellion on the facebook" 19659004 "The recipe" Small wine, some sea and ABBA "takes over with the same Greek kefi and even more kitsatis.

After the $ 610 million cinematic" Mamma mia! "was released about ten years ago, even if ABBA would even be united to write the Sikwell songs Fortunately for all of us it was not necessary, as the famous Scandinavian pop group had a lot of tentacles for a while on the summer island.The reason for our return to the Aegean Carpathian Sea, which is this time the Dalmatian coast, is Sophie's courageous decision to renovate the hotel of her mother, Donna, whom she lost a year ago.Prepared for the ceremony of Opening, supervised by Fernando, he finds that only Sam, one of his three fathers, and the faithful friends of his mother, Rosie and Tania. At the same time, we learn how young Donna arrived for the first time under the Greek sun, how she met the three dads of Sofi and how she decided to become a hotel

The recipe "little wine, a little bit of sea ​​and ABBA "The silversmiths and therefore the newly written screenwriter (" Exotic Hotel Margold ") and the director Ol-Parker have no reason to change it. A completely pretentious story that he composed and Richard Curtis ("Four Weddings and a Funeral") tries to link romantic dancing melodies, creating the meaning of an endless party, which by frenzied kitsatis, each sense of elemental realism. Because in the Greek life of Kalokairi, there is only one happy party, at the top of which Meryl Streep goes out to say a song and a half.

United States, United Kingdom. 2018. Duration: 114. Distribution: UIP

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