Mandalos: "Ready to succeed in staying" – Football – Super League – A.E.K.


Determined to fight with his teammates to keep AEK at the top, said Petros Mandalos. The leader of the Union spoke about the collaboration with Marino Ouzounidis, the challenge of participation in the Champions League and allegations of PAOK regarding a … paper championship.

In detail, what Petros Mandalos told the media representatives of Kielce:

-After a great effort last year, the AEK ran and crowned the champion, she pulled out a 24 year old daughter of her. How was the feeling of raising the cup and what are the requirements for the new year?

"I think in words that I can not tell you how I felt but all the kids that night in the last game, and surely this season will be a lot more demanding because when you win the championship Team and the world will surely have more demands for this season.We have started training, we have changed players, we have changed coaches, we are still getting ready, but I am sure this year, the AEK will be even better. "

– How is this change lived? Not so much for the players as for the new coach with whom you have worked in the past.

"I have really worked a year in Xanthi.All the children think that they have often seen them change coaches." In Greece, it's a phenomenon more Known for football players to change coach.I do not think that would negatively affect the team.Also, he is a Greek coach and has shown in the past that in the teams that he has done a very good job and I want to succeed in our team. "

-Petro, although you have not experienced it yet in race, psychologically this weight of staying at the top is heavier than the previous one you climb to the top?

"Surely with whom I have spoken to tell me that it's hard not to climb to the top, it's hard to stay in. This will be the purpose of the Team, and I think that since the day we started, everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for this team to stay on top and this season. "

-For a player of your own quality, how does it feel to have joined a Third National team and crowned after five years of championship?

"The only feeling is that of justification, I said that I would take the same decision every time I would be given the same opportunity." And today we are talking about One more reason I say this, this year we were champions. "

-You had two serious accidents that took you a long time. Did you feel the support of the group?

"And during the first serious injury, the team was there – it was easier, if I may say so, because the team was at the 2nd National, I'm sure. had more time for the summer.It is in the best quotes that I have been hurt.This year was almost at the beginning of the season.I had only 10 games. what you are asking me this year, i have felt it the group, it is.I was also in discussions with the team on my new contract.with the injury and then the team that is held as a family next to me and honestly I will not be able to forget it. "

-How were you all the time watching your teammates try to score, stay close to the top, and although they found a little time back, make a comeback. All you have experienced watching them from the platform? And how many times did you want to jump on the ground to help them?

"I think the worst thing for a footballer is to see his team struggling, bleeding, I think the kids in most games have also given their souls to get results." It was not easy … nothing was given to this group.I was in the worst position to want to help and I can not, I think it's worse. "

-There was a match where you said "I want to help children"?

"There were a lot of matches that I can tell you all, especially after the next four months, I was talking to Mr. Karvounidis and I asked him when to play." It was the only thing that I had it in my head. "

-How does the head of AEK feel she is listening to opponents and coaches such as PAOK, that AEK is not entitled to the championship?

"Out of the dance everyone can say that he wants.For the coach PAOK I am not competent to speak PAOK is surely close but I do not know what word I can use, he did not have the "thing" to be the champion. "

One of the strengths of AEK last year was to get the health off the locker room. Have you kept this year?

"Every four years I was in the group was his strong weapon.Each group says we are a family in the locker room.EKA says it and that means that, and I think it looks and goes out with what has been accomplished up to here. "

-Peter with 2-3 words why AEK won this championship?

"Two, three are the reason it was worth it."

– Did we see you playing on the left, did you see working with the attackers of AEK of Uzunidis?

"It's too early, we have not worked much with Mr. Ougounidis on tactics, although time is running out, we have 25 more days for the first official match." I like to play on the handle, I've already said it and the truth is that I have to play for a while.I do not know what we will see, and where I will give the best of myself. Even now, I have a habit of playing in many places. "

– Yet even at the extremes you play, you are constantly converging towards the axis to have the field you want in front of. Does this way of playing help you play as you want?

"Surely come from one side to the other is like a surprise to the opponent, I have more space, a little more to work to see and what the coach will ask and I think everything will be fine. "

-You have experienced the rise, the Cup, the Championship, Europe. Is it time for bed sheets?

"I think it's a good time, it's been a long time since the AEK is in the Champions League, it's something we have not managed, and I want that you are the first to reach for this group. "

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