Manes Lopez Obrador's men head for an overwhelming victory


Parmetria's first exit poll predicts the victory of the former mayor of the Mexican capital with 53% -59%

Manuel Loupes Obrador will be the next president of Mexico, according to exit polls of Parametría, the newspaper "El Financiero" and the company Mitofsky, indicate that it goes the victory with a huge difference in the elections of Sunday

The first poll of exit by Parmetria, predicts a victory of l & # 39; 39 former mayor of the capital Mexico with a percentage between 53% -59%. Ricardo Anagia, leader of a center-right-center alliance alliance, ranks second, 19-25%. (19459008) Lopez Obrador reportedly obtained 49% of the votes against 27% of Anagia in the second exit poll of the newspaper El Finansiero

While the six-tie of the Consulta Mitofsky on behalf of Televisa television shows also the victory of AMLO with between 43% and 49% of the votes with Anaya in second place with 23% to 27%

. the first official election results should be made public by the National Electoral Commission Mexico City Committee at 23:00 local time (07:00 GMT).

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