Markos Seferlis unveils the context of the agreement with Pallas and announces its intention to move legally – Life & the City


Markos Seferlis spoke for the first time about the subject created with the show "Liked Lives", production of theatrical scenes. With a torrid speech in the episode "After Midnight" with Eleonora, the study responded in detail to what he had accused in the past.

"I was silent, I gathered evidence, I moved legally for whom and my attorney believe that they also harmed us, to my honor and my reputation, as & # 39; 39, being human, as a professional, as a producer, "said Markos Seferlis, who stressed how old it is, he makes sure that his colleagues are in good health and he stressed:" there can be no to have no insult to me and my solvency, and I arbitrarily declare that I left 25 people in the street.What was done at the moment hurt me, shot me like a human, like a professional, and that's something I'm not responsible for, and all these actors will find their reason with the production company. "

"When we saw the video at first, we saw the first lie that Ms. Gangaki came out and said that Seferlis was accusing the work." Mr. Katsaridis said a day later that we had not announced that He was Mr. Seferlis himself, and said and betrayed with the press release, they are working on us well, and one of the witnesses did not tell Mr. Katsaridis that she was out yesterday and Ms. Gagaki has exposed the myths about who they are and many of them.I have already addressed the statements of my lawyer and Mrs. Gagaki … to know that if the Sephardim do not dare to play in a big theater, retrieve it, eat wood to put Seferli to Pallas, who did you eat wood and who does not he say those names who have a different vision of theatrical scenes for who will enter Pallas. let's bring a record of who should enter Pallas, "said the actor who was to play in the series.

"There were too many things spoken orally that I expected to be written in. The paper I wrote, we signed it, a two-page document that basically corresponded to my percentage of collections, a percentage of 5% that was initially 6% in our first conversation, then 5%, I said, 5% on a million and from there, if I overcame it, I would get 6 It was my fee for the Pallas Theater, and we said that when we go on a tour – I told them to go to the cities to see me in something else and that I do not know what to do. would not go on a tour in the winter of 19 with the summer inspection, to go to the "Liked Lighter" where you wish – they will apply other financial benefits "as it is d & # 39; use. "One condition was the one that was not respected, I insisted that 5% of the tour be made," said Markos Seferlis in his interview with Eleonora Meletis, pointing out that it's not going to be a good thing. He was not surprised that the time was up and that he did not sign a contract and did not announce a contract.

"The verbal agreement was to start selling from September, ending in October and without pre-sale, there was no advertising, and in the summer I started at the Dolphinarium and thousands people have come in. And I'm saying we're going to advertise in the world that's already coming and we're seeing Seferli, are not we going to advertise, and Seferli and the show are advertising the dolphinarium on the LED screen that I had with the back of a young man with a triangular body that surely understood that it was not me and that he had the hand back and forth that he was under oath.It was the announcement that I wanted to put in the Dolphinarium where people come to see Seferli to announce the next job that will be Seferlis.Are you ashamed to show me? "Because I had felt all that" wood "that they were eating because I was learning, they had some objection to that. The artistic past is narrow as Seferis to Pallas. So, with my graphic designer, I make an announcement that says: "Dimitris Psathas asks a loser" with Markos Seferlis directed by Petros Zoulias ", with the show of Mrs. Gagakis and Mr. Katsarides and they tell me well, go with this advertisement and I put it in the Dolphinarium, "said Markos Seferlis, claiming that they had been seen at the theater by people from the people involved, but also published in relevant reports", which means that they agreed that it was "Likar Liar, with Mark Seferlis" and the original "s agreement." And even they asked me to do it. even, they told me not to have a name problem.If some people do not want to follow you, we'll say: "Probably, it's likely, with Mark Seferli and all the other actors playing , with hierarchy and their evolution over the years. "So the marker with the reason why we did it What they approved, they also saw in the Dolphinarium and nothing happened. This is not something I complained about. We agreed on that. That's what I asked in the contract, to get it, not to be alone in the attic. Pallas has no marker at the beginning. I clarify this, and it is written nowhere, I ask nothing to be alone in the attic. "

"We started planning for the February festival, and then in February and March, and Kent and Zulia asked the first Matic to" go on March 2 to catch the witches accompanying the bulls, so make sure you prepare and be happy all the time. "That's why he came and went, I did not understand any other reason.Mr Zoulia and I did not join," said Mark Seferlis.

L & # 39; adaptation. From the beginning, when I went to the suggestion, I said I would do the adaptation, they wanted it too, I say "it's a requirement of Ms. Psatha to do the text and rendering the text "and putting pieces in the style of my own, what the world wants. Oct. And get paid for the cover. When hired, Mr. Zoulias said that he had signed all his papers and that he wanted to make this adaptation. I say no problem. But he tells me that you will intervene and that Mr. Zoulias, with whom I have a perfect relationship, will make the cover and take it after you to embarrbad him and move on to the final version of the script. It was Mr. Zulia's first adaptation, we were unable to get him embroidered and we made it a condition of the contract that they sent me that Mr. Seferlis had read the script, had accepted it and that no intervention could occur in the text. So no relationship ".

About the show, they said that I had suddenly decided to do the Christmas show. When we signed the February agreement, I said Christmas, I will not play Peroque either. The world is well placed to come and see me on Friv in "Liked Liar" – I did not ask. I said that I was going to do a tour with the summer inspection, so I'm going to finish in Thessaloniki, I've never been to Christmas, I always went to October or early November. I will go to Christmas in Thessaloniki and I will come back in rehearsal for "Liked Liar". After a while, Mr. Katsarides told me "because we will go with Mrs. Soussou to Thessaloniki, do you want to go in October to go to Christmas?" I say that October, I have spent so many years, we are partners and I decide to go back there. But come and this job is canceled. They do not go to Radio City, all the actors are unemployed, the theater is empty all the Christmas time and I say that, as the owner was pulling his hair, the theater was out of sight at Christmas. There was no one to say anything about this cancellation. So we have a cancellation of Theatrical Stages shortly before, that of Madame Sousu. Now, of course, there is a second cancellation and the Theater Stages will indicate that we are canceling another show, while we have been hired by some actors. Should not we take responsibility somewhere? Who is still the scapegoat? Markos Seferlis. That's how it all started, "said Mark Seferlis, before adding:" I've learned to cancel the televised work. They just had to take responsibility somewhere. "

It spoils the Christmas tour and mine and theirs. So I play in October-November and I say that I see that time goes by and until the month of March I start to disappear. I make an appointment with Mr. Katsaridis and I say "because I think it will be an advertisement and I could not go to Thessaloniki and you did not go there either – but I had to be a Christmas and the world that wants to see me – and I think I have disappeared from Athens and that if I go to Christmas for the 40 performances from December 14 to January 13, I think it will be a good thing for the public who wants to see Seferli their remember that in a month I'll be in Pallas. "I asked him, did I tell him you had a problem? He tells me that I do not have a problem. Because they ask me for a piece, if I do it and that Zimarouli has a problem, he tells me that it has nothing to do with the other one. "All I want is not playing alongside Pallas in a theater from Monday to Tuesday." I said I mean. Moreover, I tell him, because you start selling in September, I will not say anything for the pre-sale to take place for the Lighter and early December, I will announce that I will be in Peru with this show. I would not dare to think of damaging the work I was going to do. I asked and we said I agreed. So, it was also agreed.


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