Merkel: No interconnection of VAT on islands with refugees – Politics


August 20 "is an important day," said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, referring to the completion of the aid program, while explaining that the continuity of the impact of the program does not end on the same day.

He also noted that the fact that Greece was abandoned for decades is a sign of confidence and firmly rejected the agreement with the Greek government to link the extension of the reduced VAT rate to Islands with the Refugee Agreement

"We have to balance two things: on the one hand, how much we will wait until specific funds have been paid and, on the other hand, on the other hand, why should we continue to make forecasts in this regard, for example, for example? "Greece does not produce a primary surplus, but it will not be possible to reduce the debt."

Regarding measures taken for the reduction of the Greek debt, Ms Merkel spoke of "taking a large number of measures to help reduce the level of debt, still within the rules we have, c & # 39; that is, there can be no debt reduction within the euro area in the clbadic meaning. "

" I think it's a "good compromise," he added adding, "On the one hand, yes, the program is over, but with this Greece is not a good compromise," he added. It's not yet, let's say, still in its state that there was not ever a program, but I believe – and I've talked to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras about it – that it's not a problem. is an important day in August when this program will be completed but the continued impact of these programs is not over today and that is why and in the future we can count on each other, so I see more evidence of confidence that we give Greece decades of extra time to get out of a difficult situation. "

In response to a question about the claims that Berlin and Athens agreed to extend the Chancellor was absolute: "This has been said often, but certainly not! I have discussed extensively with him (including Mr Tsipras) that we will not be linking these things to anything else, because that would not be good for any of us . And that's not what happened. And now, a way has been found to compensate for the change in the program by extending the reduced VAT rates and that is why the Budget Committee will meet on 1 August. And I think this road that we find now is a good way. But there was no connection between the different themes. "

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