Merkel: With Greece, we have already accepted the immediate refoulement of refugees


Angela Merkel spoke about the Berlin-Athens refugee status agreement, while stressing that Germany will seek to conclude similar agreements with other countries, such as the United States. did Horst Zeheffer

. that immediate refugees from the region near the border (including Germany) can be returned immediately, "said Merkel during the debate on the budget in parliament.According to the report, the Chancellor defended the compromise reached with the CSU to create closed asylum centers. [19] In his speech, the Chancellor defended the compromise reached by the CSU for the creation of closed asylum centers. "The law and the l '. order should be applied regarding returns, "he stressed, while stressing the importance of immigration to Europe on several occasions." Migration will make a decisive contribution to the question of whether Europe can continue to exist, because the interests of member states differ, "he said:" We need legally acceptable and united solutions that should not weigh on people. ..). More order should be put on all kinds of immigration, so that people understand that law and order are taxed, "Merkel stressed and reiterated her position for a" Marshall Plan " for African countries, but always in concert with the leaders of these countries

However, the SPD leader, Andrea Nalés, rejected the prospect of closed structures for hosting refugees and stressed the need to respect the rules of the The rule of law as well as those of the government program, however, he spoke of a positive development, referring to the fact that the ruling coalition parties are again negotiating on substantive issues

For 48 hours in centers

Merkel stated that asylum applications in closed centers for refugees would be examined within 48 hours. "This establishes the Constitution", he declared

Source: RES

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