Message from Pavolopoulos to Turkey on the release of Greek soldiers POLITICS


The President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, sent a clear message to Turkey about the liberation of the Greek army, arbitrarily and in violation of any rule of law in Adrianople, when he was declared a citizen of Honor of the municipality of Monemvasia of the celebration of the liberation of the city from the Turkish yoke

In particular, Mr. Pavlopoulos recalled that in Turkey, especially in Adrianople, arbitrarily and in violation of each concept of the rule of law, two leaders of the Greek armed forces, and said that this unacceptable and undemocratic behavior of our neighbor can not affect our two heroic soldiers, because their morality is widespread, proving in practice what it means. 39, Greek army and the Greek armed forces. However, it criticizes the prestige of Turkey and its leaders, because this arbitrary, which provoked European and international outrage, undermines democracy, fundamental human rights and, in general, to our culture,

He also called on Turkish leaders, in the new period that has just begun with the re-election of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to consider his responsibilities towards Greece, the United States, European Union and the international community his attitude to

The President of the Republic reaffirmed that Turkey's European perspective and Greek-Turkish relations, friendship and good neighborliness depend, inter alia, on 39: a fundamental factor: full respect for international law, and also respect for the European acquis

First of all, the treaties that define the borders of Greece, which are also the borders of the European Union, he noted. That is to say the Treaty of Lausanne and the Treaty of Paris of 1947. As the Act has shown, these Treaties are complete, unrevised, undiscounted, they precisely define the boundaries there are no gray areas. The fact that it is also the borders of the European Union with the Greek borders, it defines, in a number of provisions, the primary European law itself. In addition, what is the territory of Greece and the European Union, is clear from separate rules of European primary and secondary environmental law, such as Natura, that I've had the opportunity report very recently, "said Pavlopoulos. Turkey must therefore respect them all. Implement international law, respect the European acquis, respect the borders of Greece and the European Union, he added. "When she respects them, we are ready to work with her to have friendship, good neighborliness and to support her European perspective.After all, the rules that I have recalled are rules for all Europeans, those who are already members of the European Union, and those who aspire to join, so there will be no cuts, and let me remember, I point out: any controversy over borders and the territory of Greece is a matter of borders and the territory of the European Union, with all the consequences. "

In addition, he stressed that Turkey must respect In deciding the Exclusive Economic Zone, the Law of the Sea, as defined by the MontegoBay Treaty of 1982. Turkey must be aware that although it did not adhere to the Montego Bay Treaty, it is bound by its rules. Indeed, in accordance with the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, a large number of States have accepted generally accepted rules of international law binding on any third State, such as Turkey. "We are also clear that neither Greece, nor the international community, nor the African Union are willing to tolerate Turkey's arbitrariness with regard to the proclamation of the exclusive economic zone," he said. the president of the Republic.

At the same time, he observed that "the Greeks, as we have historically proven, regard freedom as existential, literally precious, since only free men can live, create and develop our personality. This one must be underestimated and, above all, ignored. "We can unite, as has long been demonstrated, to successfully defend our homeland, but also to achieve all our other major national goals.On the contrary, disunity is a poison in the heart of the nation and Only to the devastating consequences, even to the detriment of our national backbone. "

Finally, Mr. Pavlopoulos reiterated that Greece is a force of peace and democracy in the region.looks for good relations with all "In particular, as far as our relations with Turkey are concerned, I repeat, for the first time, that we are seeking a sincere and good-neighborly friendship with it," he concluded. 19659002] (Source:! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod ? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments);; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; = n; n.loaded =! 0; n. version = & # 39; 2.0 & quot; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", // .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & gt; 109138906120213 & gt;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, "PageView"); [ad_2]
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