Message from Prokopis Pavlopoulos on National Issues and POLITICAL Economy


The obligation of our European partners to respond to their European duty towards Greece so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past which led the Greek people to make enormous sacrifices, the President said. of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos.

Hosting for the third time the Hellenic American students at the Presidential Palace, the President of the Republic made a double account of the last year of the Hellenic American student, the Hellenic American Institute. Remind them that at their first meeting, in a crucial time for Greece, they had badured them that the country would first and foremost move relentlessly towards the European Union and its hard core, the eurozone, and would be a credible and consistent ally in NATO. Secondly, we will defend our national affairs with consistency and faith, without discount, without claiming something that does not belong to us, but without giving anything, even a single antenna to which we really belong.

The first, Mr Pavlopoulos said that Greece has indeed fully consolidated its trajectory and its role within the EU and its hard core, the euro area. "And not only that, but through the difficulties and sacrifices of the Greek people with whom we have achieved this result, our partners recognize it, which is self-evident: we are one of the most conscious partners of the European Union, where respect, where the power of Greece within the EU and the euro area.The current program has ended after the Last badessment: An agreement has been reached and in terms of manageability – I have come to the condition that I use Greek debt and now we are entering the phase of another program, with a very different mentality of the previous one, as it was the case with other countries, for example He then thanked all the democratic political forces because, as he said, in order to achieve this result of our stabilization in the European Union and the euro area, the support of democratic political forces The country, from the beginning, of the crucial summer of 2015, from August 2015, was consistent. "Despite the individual differences that are perfectly legitimate in a democracy, the political forces to our main objective, the purpose of our journey in Europe and the euro area, have been consistent, unified and coherent."

addressing our partners in view of the new program, which – as he said – will have a different state of mind and different content from the previous programs, pointed out that here, when developing this program, they must also take into account that these immense sacrifices of the Greek people to stay in the EU and the euro area are also attributed to errors that are not ours. According to Mr Pavlopoulos, there were errors in those who formed the first programs and, in particular, the first memorandum. He had a lot of mistakes, especially when it comes to calculating the recession.

"These misconceptions which led, I emphasize, to sacrifices not due to the errors of the Greek people, must be taken into account.Why should there be some kind of reparation for the Greek people when they are not made? it is to develop this program because we are absolutely frank with our partners, because – I think – the principle of solidarity and the principle pacta sunt servanda apply to all these things. , so in all the effort I will make, I am sure that they will also respond to their own "

With regard to national affairs, he sent a clear message to Macedonia that Greece pursues friendly, good neighborly relations and proves in practice that we are in favor of the European Union. the products However, he made it clear that there is an important prerequisite: the resolution of the name issue in accordance with history and international law

"To do this – as we l & # 39; have said clearly and the EU, but also NATO and the United Nations – our neighboring country must make the necessary changes in its legal order and especially in its Constitution.Because the Constitution, as it appears today, does not respond under any circumstances to these conditions, "argues Pavlopoulos, adding that we are waiting for this obligation to be fulfilled.

Indeed, he points out that "only when it finishes and ends – it will not be a drawback – only after the end of this whole process, and once this revision will have found all the guarantees I've got." I spoke earlier, there may be an invitation to join NATO and, of course, negotiations on the process of accession of Macedonia to the EU: this will not happen. is that in this case that it will be possible to finalize the content of the agreement between Greece and the FYROM and to reach the ratification of the Greek Parliament. "

the Greek side hopes that this process will have a positive outcome and added that the responsibility belongs to the neighboring country, and noted that through this agreement, as Macedonia confesses, Macedonia and Macedonia, the history and culture of Macedonia. Philip and Alexander the Great, this Macedonia, which has left its indelible mark on the history and culture of humanity, this heritage is Greek as a whole.

Indeed, Mr. Pavlopoulos pointed out that the neighboring state has a Slavic people, a Slavic language who confesses and adds that they should look in their Slavic origin for their Slavic origin, which is important for the Slavs in general and especially for the region. And do not look for roots or inheritances that do not belong to them. "We keep it, the Greeks, because it is important and it is the first time that they have accepted it after the statement of Kiro Gligorov." But I repeat: the responsibility the other course belongs to them.We are here to facilitate our own journey, but – and I insist – to give nothing that belongs to us according to our history and our culture. "

On the Cyprus issue , the President of the Republic of Cyprus The Republic clarified that this is not just a Greek Cypriot issue or a problem between Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. "It's a European problem, it's not a problem. is an international problem. We are always looking for a just and viable solution and we are absolutely frank, "he said. However, he noted that "the Cypriot solution can only be based on international law and the European acquis, as Cyprus is a full EU Member State and its core, the This means, on the basis of primary European law, that this is not a conceivable solution to the Cyprus problem with the occupation troops and the guarantees of third parties.This is unthinkable on the basis of European law and has become clear in Turkey, not only Greece and Cyprus, but also the European Union, and if we accept that for Cyprus, imagine how a devastating precedent for the sovereignty of EU Member States would be created What other problems might arise in the future? It is now a common rule within the EU and a major success in defending this great problem and it is extremely important that it is now a li common cause of all democratic political forces in Cyprus and Greece.

Finally, in the case of Greek-Turkish relations, he reiterated, inter alia, that Turkey must apply international law, respect the European acquis, respect the borders of Greece and Greece. EU.

He also noted that Greece considers Turkey's good neighborly and European perspective and added that any controversy over the borders and t

The Hellenic American students were accompanied by the President of the US Hellenic Institute, Nikos Laryngakis and Deputy Foreign Minister Terence Chik

[BacktoEurekAlert! Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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