Mexico: Polls open at elections – Men Menuel Lopez Obrador for new president


The Mexican leftist candidate, Manuel Loupee Obrador, hopes to write a story, ensuring a radical change,

Promise a "radical change" a big victory in the presidential election, where he is an undisputed favorite [19659003] At age 64, AMLO, as most Mexicans call it, by the acronym of his name, is presented as an antisystemic candidate, but also an opponent of the day.

After two unsuccessful attempts, this time he is credited with the advance of 20 units or more in polls against his opponents, the candidates of the traditional parties of power

Followed by the relatively new conservative politician Ricardo Anagia, who is self-proclaimed as a "modernizer", leader of a center-right-center-left alliance (PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano). Third, Jose Antonio Midez, elected politically independent and technocrat by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), opted for the third position.

In addition to the president, about 89 million Mexican voters are called to nominate more than 18,000 elected 500 members and 128 senators as officials and mayors

Source: EPA / MPA

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