Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Rubicon attack: They are neither left nor patriotic According to the same sources, "unprecedented attacks like this in order to undermine an independent foreign policy


", according to the same sources," an unprecedented condemnation of the attack against members of the anarchist community "Rubikon" of the country belong neither to the left nor to the patriots and are the result of the irresponsible right-wing rhetoric that is conveniently incorporated into third-party plans. "

It is noted that a dozen college members, according to the police, in the afternoon, at 18:30, attacked with paintings and wrote slogans in the building of the Ministry of Business Foreigners in the center of Athens

Vandalism has caused a group of 8-10 members of Rouvikona showing that even the best guarded buildings are in his pity.The Foreign Minister is in front of the house and next to the Embbady of France, a few hundred meters from Maximos, while the psycho-psychic hospital, attacked at dawn, is in front of the Israeli Embbady held hide-and-seek ., undocumented and wearing helmets, moved from Kanaris Street vertically to the Academy and went out to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

They then painted the facade of the building with paint, with objects and heavy boots smashed windows from the outside [19659002] Members also threw paint and pitched messages of messages in favor of the Palestinian people and against the mbadacre of civilians in Syria

Police summoned

As reported on SCAI, a DIAS policeman patrolling the area of ​​the constitution, arrested a man in his backpack who had a go-pro camera used by the anarchist group to record his attacks

  Vvdalismos to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by Rouvikon - Photos: Intimenews / VARAKLAS MIHALIS

In fact, the

It is recalled that members of Rouvikon had launched an attack on the offices of the Psycho Psychological Association, around 5 am Dawn on Sunday.

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