Mitsotakis in SZ: Earlier elections will become better


"We will drive Greece into the future," he said in his interview with Sueddeutsche Zeitung, president of the ND

Elections, as soon as possible to get Greece out of stalemate Financial, announces Kyriakos Mitsotakis in interview with Sueddeutsche Zeitung. The head of the main opposition has canceled the unreliability of the Tsipras government for enhanced post-warrant surveillance, reiterated its disagreement over the Prespa agreement, but stressed that he would respect it if the The Greek parliament ratified it by calling on Turkey to respect international law, also referring to the case of the two Greek officers detained last March in Andrianoupolis jails. Eventually, he said the ND government would make tax cuts and promise less state.

"We need a new government to lead Greece in the future"

"We say that the sooner the elections take place, the better it will be." There is no way to offer the country.On August 20, the third and final EU bailout program for Greece comes to an end, we need a new government that will lead the country to the The economy is not growing, with the exception of tourism, and no one is talking about private debts, which have risen by almost 50% in the last three years, from 80 to 130 billion euros I talk about citizens' debts to tax authorities, pension funds and banks Many people have a sense of despair, "says Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

He points out that the end of the program will not bring real relief to the Greeks because taxes remain very high, pensions will fall and there is no feeling of euphoria.

"If the situation was as good as the government is trying to show, why, in all the polls, eight out of ten Greeks say that they do not see the light at the end of the tunnel? Even if the program expires Greece will continue to be supervised by the creditors, "he says.

The ND president stresses that the ongoing monitoring reflects the lack of trust of the lenders vis-à-vis the government in the implementation implementation of all agreed reforms, which he said for the first time since the same procedure with Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus after leaving their own programs.

Asked how to implement delivers on its promises to reduce business taxes and VAT: "We will respect all financial goals agreed with lenders. But there is room. We want to reduce costs and reduce taxes. The government did little to reform the public administration. Instead, over the last three years, he has increased staff costs by 500 million euros. I want a smaller but more efficient state

The SYRIZA government realized the primary surplus with a surcharge. It is just that this money has returned to the real economy. They diverted what was left of the middle clbad. High taxes do not bring growth but pave the way for tax evasion. When you call a painter to paint your house, he only does it when he does not have to cut the proof because after paying the taxes, he does not see the utility of working. He therefore proposes to do so without proof. But it is bad for the state and we must break this vicious circle. "How Will He Succeed?"

"I will reduce taxes in anticipation of better tax compliance.

And for the tracking of tax evaders, there is now better surveillance capacity than in the past. We now have an independent Fiscal Audit Authority, it was one of the most important reforms, and fortunately the SYRIZA government is not busy with it, "he said. , promising not to fire the public but to reduce the number of departures. fixed-term contracts, "he said.

The leader of the main opposition complains that the government does not inform him of his consultations with Berlin on the return of refugees registered in Greece, stressing that the refugee should be resolved at the European level. "An agreement between Greece and Germany will not solve all the problems, but they are very small numbers.More importantly, Mr Tsipras is not really interested in the protection of the external borders of Germany. EU, which may be due to its left genes or that it is hostage to some leftist groups

and therefore is not a reliable interlocutor. external borders, we can not have free movement within the EU, "he said. And he turned his arrows to countries like Hungary and Poland refusing to accept the refugee allowance, so that Greece imposes a very heavy burden.

"They must feel the consequences.This is not a threat to Poland and Hungary.But the weights must be distributed."

"The Prespa Agreement"

Kyriakos Mitsotakis reiterates his disagreement with the Greece-Skopje agreement on nomenclature, stressing that it is paradoxical to call the neighboring country "North Macedonia" and to acquire the language and identity of its inhabitants "Macedonians". "I have clearly said that I do not like this agreement, but I say that I will respect the result as an obligation of the country if it is ratified by the Greek Parliament." But my party, New Democracy , will vote against. "

Do you prefer early elections after ratification?

-No. But if I had negotiated, I would look for another solution. Our northern neighbor took something from us that no Greek government was willing to give up: the right to a Macedonian nationality and a Macedonian language, although we now called it North Macedonia. It's a paradox.

– But the term "Macedonian language" has been used since 1977 in UN documents.

– This is not the same. We must show great sensitivity in this regard. The majority of Greeks reject the agreement. Many people are particularly angry in northern Greece. Hundreds of Greek companies use the term "Macedonian" in their products. I have no objection to saying that the language spoken in Skopje is Slavic Macedonian. But not Macedonian

Our neighbors will hold a referendum, and I believe that the agreement will be ratified there. He would have no luck in a referendum. I do not want a referendum because the House has to decide foreign policy issues. But that's the reason to think. And in this case, Mr. Tsipras did not consult us before. He wants to use the subject to break my party, but I will not involve myself. It is important that the future of Greece remains united in the South West and quickly forms a strong pro-European government. "

" Turkey must respect international law "

Referring to the prolonged Greek-Turkish detention of the two Greek soldiers, Kyriakos Mitsotakis called on Ankara to respect international law expressing the hope that one day it would become a new beginning in bilateral relations: "Turkey must respect international law

For example, two Greek officers who entered accidentally in March, a foggy day, on the tourist territory, should not to be retained. This is not a sign of good neighborly relations. I hope that one day we will be able to make a sincere new start in our relations with Mr. Erdogan. But they need two to dance the tango, "he said, pointing out that there is no comparison with the case of the eight Turkish officers who applied for asylum in Greece after the coup d'etat. "We respect the decisions of the Greek courts. We are not at the right place.

Finally, he also referred to the question of Greek voters living abroad who are required to come to Greece to exercise their right to vote.

"I would change that, but for the changes to the electoral law, it takes 200 votes in the House. And SYRIZA do not mind, because they fear that those who live abroad are cautious towards this government. In the last 7-8 years, 400,000 young people have left Greece because of the crisis, and a leftist government says, "If you have money, buy a ticket and vote, but if you are poor , lets go .. It's absurd, "he concludes.

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