Mitsotakis to lawyers to reduce tax contributions


The President of the New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis badisted by the Coordinating Committee of Bar Presidents, attended today the meeting of the party offices

and Members of the Court of Justice Nikos Panagiotopoulos and Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras. The Presidents of the Bars of exposed to Mr. Mitsotakis a series of questions and institutional issues concerning the independence of the judiciary In addition, they developed the specific problems encountered by the law firm.

In his statement, the president of the New Democracy largely evoked the need to preserve the independence of the judiciary. In addition, Mr. Mitsotakis, recalled the government's commitment to reduce tax rates and fees, and promised to introduce the ND program soon for a system of taxation. three pillar insurance different. Placement:

"I am particularly pleased to see on your face representatives of the middle clbad, which has been radically compressed in the years of crisis.I also see the anguish of many of your new colleagues new lawyers, who are going abroad – and I have seen the relevant statistics and are very disturbing – are planting and having difficulty in dealing with unsustainable obligations You are asking – and rightly so and we do – the question of the independence of justice C our defense of the rule of law is a non-negotiable political priority. "

As we added " we have reported court actions over the past three and a half years of the current government, we have criticized these practices we are against any attempt to manipulate justice, 39, instrumentalize, in the context of any micropolitical planning. I personally guarantee that with the next New Democracy government, justice will once again gain its independence guaranteed by the Constitution, which is also at the core of the rule of law, I believe – the overwhelming majority of Greek citizens perceive it .

The President of ND has referred extensively to the second question that concerns you – and we are concerned – about your taxes and insurance costs. "

As Mr. Mitsotakis added," we pledged to reduce taxation by reducing the rate of the import tax to 9% for incomes up to 10%. To € 10,000 . Obviously we will reduce the real estate tax which is something that concerns all Greeks. And we will again see the design of the tax scale by abolishing fees when fiscal conditions permit. Regarding the issue of contributions that you are very concerned about, we will have the opportunity in Thessaloniki to give a more detailed account of our reflections on a different three-pillar insurance system where we want big caregivers professionals. And yes, we want the second pillar, the mandatory professional funds, to play an important complementary role in primary insurance. I believe we are very close to your ideas on this issue and we are happy to discuss it later. "

On the issue of VAT the President of ND stated:" We want to have two VAT rates. 11% and 22%. But we must always have an image of the fiscal footprint of any intervention. "

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