Mitsotakis to Merkel and Sold: Do not think about giving to Tsipras – Insist on pension cuts


In a struggle against the interests of the country and society, the leader of the New Democracy is engaged, with the sole criterion of the conquest of power.

As today "Ef.Syn." Reveals, had in Brussels and Berlin with the German Chancellor and the Minister of Finance called for the uninterrupted implementation of the measures to reduce pensions and taxes

Features of the anti-national propaganda seems to take the # 39: systematic and distressing effort by the ND president to harm his country and country interests

Kyriacos Mitsotakis' earlier suggestions to the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Pierre Moscovisis, to be more attentive to his public positions without previous as they may seem to have looked like this is not just a parenthesis or an unfortunate moment in the general tactics of the Chief Opposition Leader.

On the contrary, it is found, and rather, that all his strategy was built with the defamation of the country abroad, the unexpected destruction, the maintenance of the memoranda and the establishment of severe antisocial measures such as than the reduction of pensions.

The exclusive test of this attitude is nothing but the vote and expectation of the political benefits of social dissatisfaction and the new painful wounds that would surely be caused by the implementation of recessive decisions on pensions and the reduction of pensions

In other words, the partisan interest for ND is consciously overtaken by the national, ignoring the consequences for the weaker layers of society

The most recent case of this gray persuasion campaign during Kyriacos Mitsotakis' visits last week to Berlin where he was informed of his party's economic program and in Brussels where the European People's Party was held [19659004] In the German capital, Mitsotakis had important contacts, among others with Vice-Chancellor Olaf Salts and Finance Minister SPD Horst Zeheffer, Minister of the Interior and the Dir CSU Bavarian Social Christian igeant, Ralph Brinkman and Katia Lakert, vice-presidents of the Christian Democrats and Christian Democrats Parliament for fiscal and European issues respectively, and Christine Lindner and Alexander Lambsdorf who formed the first liberal liberal FDP FDP

It was reasonable to say that the nomination of the New South Wales President with Olaw Scholz Mr. Mitsotakis immediately expressed his satisfaction with the meeting, stating that it was a very good discussion that was much more focused in the future and he himself presented the ND's reform plan to bring the economy back to such growth rates that will ensure prosperity to the Greeks and the possibility of 39, stable financing for the economy

Advocates and Claims

However, one aspect that remains unknown concerns the notorious decisions on pensions and free d & # 39; Tax. According to well-informed sources in Berlin during his own meeting with the German Social Democrat Minister of Finance, K. Mitsotakis urged him not to think of giving a favor to the Greek government or closing his eyes on the failure of the cuts.

As the same sources told EphSn, the leader of the New Democracy, on the sidelines of the meeting of the European People's Party last Thursday in Brussels, was arrested,

During the brief earthquake in a similar spirit, Mr Mitsotakis expressed his concern at information and publications that came into existence in the light of advertising and to which he referred.

In response, Ms. Merkel said that she was annoyed at not dealing with anyone, and that her relationship with the Greek Prime Minister and her government is a principled relationship and the government of the Greek government to the government of Alexis Tsipras.

He added that the question that burns the leader of the main opposition does not concern him, since this will be the case for the institutions.

As a result of the foregoing, it is reasonable to ask whether the ND continues to maintain that their contacts abroad wear the vest of national Greece

Source: Journal des éditeurs (Editorial Version) / Dimitris Koukluberis

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