Mobilization of entrepreneurs from the Municipality of Thessaloniki outside the Macedonian-Thrace Ministry


  Mobilization of the Municipality of Thessaloniki outside the Macedonian-Thrace Ministry

Mobilization outside the Macedonian-Thrace Ministry, subcontractors of the Municipality of Thessaloniki,

They claim permanent and stable work and the conversion of all contracts into open-ended contracts

They set up banners with their demands and set up scenes on the sidewalk in front of the ministry. [Traduction] "In the Municipality of Thessaloniki, 500 contract workers were fired for a few days," said Sophia Ekadaktylou, vice president of the Association of Local Authorities and Municipal Enterprises, on Thursday, when main complaint will be judged. Prefecture of Thessaloniki. "We went through ASEP, we all belong to sensitive social groups, our positions are permanent positions … We ask the government to immediately withdraw the legislation and transform our contracts into permanent contracts." he adds.

Updated: Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 02:23

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