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One of the most dynamic programs in recent history is the 75th Morales film which will take place this year from Wednesday, August 28 to Saturday, September 8.

According to the program announced some time ago, the latest creation of "The Favorite", which is an era (England, 18th century), has no script written by Efthimis Filippou but Todd Makar Namara and Deborah Davis eventually to highlight a different director profile of Lanthimos. We will see. The fact is that Mostra loves the Greek director and awarded him the prize for the scenario "Alps" in 2011.

We have just been told that the fame of Thierry Freeman, artistic director of the Cannes Film Festival, decided not to include some films of directors known in his program, it would be worth the Venice, the great festival following that of the Côte d 'Azur. And indeed it was. In fact, the artistic director of Venice, Alberto Barbera, opens the door to the productions of Netflix, the furious enemy of the Cannes Film Festival – at least until now, as that will probably also change a lot in Cannes [19659004JoelandJohnCohentheAmericanbrothersJoelCohen"TheScruggsBusterBallad""TheIrishPaulGrengras"and"Roma"oftheMexicanAlfonsoQuaronwillbescreenedthisyearinMonsterthoughtheybefilmedforlivetelevisionThefactisthatBarberahasbeenagoldsmithinthepositionofArtisticDirectorashischoiceshavebeenfollowedbysuccessesinbothcashiersandOscarsFilmssuchas"Gravity""Birdman"LaTerreand"WaterForm"lastyearbegantheirjourneyoftheVeniceFilmFestival

Speaking of La La Land, let's say the last Oscar-nominated filmmaker, Damien Sasel, opens the film "Mostra" on August 29th. The film deals with the true story of astronaut Neil Armstrong (who plays it by Ryan Gosling), the first man to enter the moon.

Among the many young and old directors who face this year's Golden Lion is the British Mike Lee with "Peterloo", an object of a labor rebellion in Manchester in 1819 , bloodied, Lazolo Nemes of Hungary. The son of Saul, who returns to Budapest at the beginning of the last century and portrays a poor girl who becomes a dynamic entrepreneur, Julian Sambel, who runs Willem Dafow under the name of Vincent van Gogh in "At the Door of Eternity" And the Frenchman Zook O 'Dar who filmed Patrick Dewey's fabulous novel, The Brothers of Sisters, with Joachin Phoenix and Jake Gilenchal

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