More than half of Germans are in favor of early World elections


According to a poll, more than half of the Germans demand the dissolution of the ruling coalition and the announcement of new elections.

As expected, the idea of ​​early elections is particularly appreciated by supporters of the Alternative to Germany (AfD), which is going through its most productive electoral phase.

According to the Insa survey conducted on behalf of Focus magazine, 51% of respondents are in favor of holding new elections, compared to 32%.

Among supporters of the AfD, 85% of the vote is in favor of the election, this figure falling to 28% among supporters of the Christian Union (CDU / CSU). Proponents of the Social Democratic Party divided (SPD) with 49% in favor of the elections, as well as the Greens with 50%. The proportion of supporters of the Liberal Party (FDP) calling for elections is 57%.

Source: RES

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