Moscow: The Prespa agreement only brings the FYROM back into NATO – It does not strengthen the security of the Balkans


Faced with tensions between Athens, Skopje and Moscow, because of Zoran Zaev's allegations and the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Greece, the Russian government takes a clear stand against the Prespa agreement [19659002]. Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zacharova badaulted Zoran Zaev on what he said Greek businessmen "favorable to Russian positions" who paid Macedonian citizens for "committing violent acts" with a view to the referendum [19659003] At the same time, he opposed the agreement to resolve the nomenclature, pointing out that it caused a deep break in society, both in Greece and in Greece. in FYROM, while stressing that it does not strengthen the security of the Balkans. "Russia has always been in favor of a mutually acceptable agreement between Skopje and Athens, without external pressure and artificial delays, which would reflect the fact that it is the only instrument to accelerate the tension between FYROM and Russia. NATO

the will of the peoples of both countries, on the basis of a broad social consensus, on a constitutional and legal basis. This did not happen. The Prespa agreement led to a deep break in the Greek and FYROM societies. Obviously, it is far from strengthening peace and security in the Balkans. This is only an instrument to accelerate the accession of FYROM to NATO, "he said.

" We are confused with the statement Zafef, "said Zacharova." This is another baseless accusation against Moscow, aimed at provoking anti-Hysteria hysteria. Clearly, there is no evidence that confirms Zaev's words as usual and will not exist, "continued the Russian official." Meanwhile, Western countries are openly involved in "Macedonian" issues. Obviously, this is normal in their eyes. "

Zacharova accused the government of FYROM that instead of following the country's legislation and international law" as usual, anti-Russian paper is used as an internal method. political difficulties and, unfortunately, the debauchery of its own citizens. "

At the same press conference, Zacharova said that the decision of Athens to expel Russian diplomats would not be without consequences, which caused the strong reaction the Greek
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