MRB survey: 9.8 points ahead of New Zealand


A score of 9.8 gives the trends of BSM in the SW against SYRIZA

In particular, the main opposition party accounted for 31% against 21.2% of the ruling party, followed by: Movement of change 8.9% Golden Dawn 7.1%, KKE 5.8%, Centralized Union 2.9%, Independent Greeks 1.8%, Greek Solution 1.1%, ANTARSYA 1%

"Other Party" chose 3.4% of respondents, while the percentage of "unspecified vote" is 15.8%. The percentage of the "unspecified vote" is badyzed as follows: I have not decided – I do not answer: 7.2% and white – Cancellation: 8.6%.

The ND also has a victory performance with 35.8% (19.4%), while it is 55.4% against 19.6% of SYRIZA

Kyriakos Mitsotakis also arises the question of who is considered the best prime minister with 32.6% vs. 22.8% of Alexis Tsipras

. 68.3% of Skopje judge negatively and certainly negatively the agreement of Prespa with only 12.8% expressing a positive opinion. (See all Skopje study)

In the question of whether a new memorandum will be needed after August 21, it surely meets 49.9% versus 34.6% with the opposite view. the Eurogroup decision)

Respondents are also negative about 65.2% and 65.3% improving their economy and their personal finances, with 34.6% responding positively to the question "if you If you had the opportunity to leave the country, would you?"

This measure consists of panhellenic (2000 to June 29, 2018)


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