My Style Rocks: Spyropoulos Reveals "Traumatic Experience" with Ex-Celebrities


A particularly embarrbading period lived with a former partner confessed to the camera Konstantina Spyropoulou in the episode of My Style Rocks 2 yesterday.

The incident happened several years ago and concerned the … nutrition of the presenter: "I had a traumatic experience, I had a relationship with a child, we started going out. Was not a cook but I ate mashed potatoes with garlic and went to the appointment and because I put a little (garlic), I had thought she was not feeling, and she told me one day that we had a relationship: "Love me, you can tell me what you eat that day – because I had a specific diet – and I say "melted potato". "It's ruled out, you say it" Spyropoulos and burst out laughing at the judges.

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