Mysterious sailing around the interstellar asteroid "Uumamu"


"Brainhead" for scientists is the existence of a mysterious asteroid, called "Uumamu", considered the first interstellar object ever found in our solar system.

Since last year, he entered the researcher's microscope mainly for three characteristics: his strange form – it looks like a cigar – his inexplicable acceleration and the shift of his orbit.

Uumamu made his virgin appearance in the "radar" of scientists in October 2017. When scientists checked the data collected during the search for his pbadage, they found that the mysterious object was developing speed instead of reduce it. The researchers then attributed the speed increase to the release of trapped or frozen gas within the object. The same object was later saved as an asteroid.

However, the explanation did not convince two Harvard scientists who argued that if the release of gas was the reason for the acceleration, then Uumouma had to make a whirlwind and this did not happen. not been noticed.

According to a new study, for astronomers at the Harvard Astrophysics Center, it may be a giant solar extraterrestrial "cloth" sent in search of signs of life.

Astronomers point out that sunshades depend on sunlight to propel vehicles into space.
Smuel Bali, professor at the Institute for Theory and Computation of the Center for Astrophysics of Harvard Smithsonian, and Professor Abraham Lemb, director of the Institute, have attempted to explain the reasons for it. strange acceleration of the interstellar asteroid, concluding that this could be the result of solar radiation that drives a giant solar cloth.

"Given the artificial origin, it is possible that the asteroid" Uumamu "is a tissue that moves in interstellar space as debris of advanced technological equipment", underline astronomers in their study.

"Alternatively, another scenario is that" Uumamu "is a fully functional explorer deliberately sent to Earth by an extraterrestrial civilization."

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