"Mysterious" Xiaomi appeared in Geekbench with Snapdragon 855;


Interesting news from China just now, when they first appeared on Xiaomi Xiaomi, with a Geekbench pbadage! The reason for a "mysterious" Xiaomi smartphone that appeared on the popular reference sites with Snapdragon 855 SoC and revealed our first score

  snapdragon 855

According to the l & # 3939; device recording, its single base score is 1784 units, while in the multi-core, it exceeds 6300 with ease. It runs on Android 8.1 Oreo, it has 64 GB of memory while its processor has a lower speed of 1.9 GHz. However, the performance can not be described as impressive especially as the single core score is lower than the Snapdragon 845 currently underway on our flagships. What can happen then? Is it a fake leak? Or for a device that deliberately "hides" its real score?

Personally I think it is a fake but it remains to be confirmed or not of course …

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