Naomi Watts was found in Greece for holidays


When someone lives permanently in Greece, some things may seem a bit too much: the hot sun, the infinite blue of the sea, and even a delicious village salad

This is not the case for people who live permanently

Not only Hollywood stars have built their suitcase for Greece and arrived enthusiastically in our country to discover its beauties: swim in its waters, walk in line

An actor with great cinematographic success in his badets came to our country and through his personal account to Instagram made a special mention of the

Naomi Watts (from 21 Grams, King Kong, Mulholland Drive and Birdman) showed that he fell in love with our country she even hesitated to write in one of her pictures that she "likes Greece" ").

posing as walkways in the air hesitated the absolute summer to photograph the salad that tasted and the sunset as the captivated. All this in Santorini

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