NASA calls on Russia to push man on Mars


In Moscow and cosmonaut Bayonuros in Kazakhstan, where he met for the first time the president of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, a leader of NASA opened last week an opening of the United States on Russia for the mission on the planet March. "We want to create a global cooperation program," Jim Brindenstein told TASS.

NASA alone can not send people to Mars, as the head of the US administration has said.

According to Jim Brindenstein, the United States develops a "lunar architecture, the same architecture when we think of launchers, spacecraft, reusable command centers, spaceships and launchers from the surface of the Moon". These capabilities and technologies, he added, can be copied and used for our transport to Mars.

"If we have international partners involved in this architecture, we can rebuild those capacities, we can do more than we could ever do on our own, I do not know at present which country would be part of which program and which part of the architecture, but I know that if each country completes the department it has undertaken, we can do more than we could ourselves, "he noted.

NASA plans the first human mission on the Red Planet in 2030, using the "Orion" spacecraft and SLS propellers. Before that, however, many unmanned vehicles will be sent to the surface of Mars in order to locate the proper landing site.

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