NASA celebrates its 60th anniversary


60 years ago, motivated by competition with the Soviet Union, the United States created NASA to launch a space adventure that would take them to the moon

Today, US National Aeronautics and Space Agency is seeking new ways to survive in an area where more and more international and commercial interests are competing.

Since its inception, NASA has given a new impetus to space research but has also experienced tragic moments such as the explosion of two spacecraft. in 1986 and 2003 with a total of 14 deaths

His long-term return ambition may be limited by the funding problem of the service, which will not allow him to return to space for a dozen or so years. years and March before the 2030s.

NASA now depends on the private sector and has contracted with SpaceX and Boeing to be able to send its astronauts into space after 2019.

can send alone they have been in space since 2011, when the spaceship program was completed after 30 years.

Today, he is obliged to pay 80 million dollars in Russia for every American who goes in space with the Soyuz spacecraft

In 1957, the Soviet Union sends his first satellite, Sputnik 1, while American attempts, mainly under the aegis of the army, fail miserably.

The then President of the United States, Duke Eisenwald, asks Congress to set up a policy He signed the NASA bill on July 29, 1958.

However, the Soviets have made another victory in the space battle in April 1961 when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go to space

A month later US President George. F. Kennedy revealed the American plans to send a man to the moon before the end of the decade

Apollo was born

In 1962, astronaut John Glenn became the first man to orbit around the Earth and In 1969, Neil Armstrong wrote history as the first man to go to the moon.

"Apollo was the demonstration of the power of a state," recalls John Lawson, an honorary professor at the George Washington University Space Policy Institute. "The fact that Kennedy decided to use a spaceship as a means of declaring geopolitical competition, has made NASA a national political organization with a very large budget."

As long as the Apollo program at the NASA has lasted at least 5% of the US budget

According to the journal Logson, NASA no longer plays a role in national politics

New era

NASA has also experienced other days of glory in the decade. 1980, as the birth of the space program and then in 1998 with the launch of operations at the International Space Station (ISS).

What Happened Today

US President Donald Trump has defended his return to the moon and called for the creation of a road that would allow the constant flow of Spacecraft and visitors to the Moon, which will also serve as a starting point for Mars.

He also called for the creation of a Space Force, a sixth corps of the US Army to take up the defense of American interests.

NASA has long been a pioneer in space innovation, but it has now faced a lot of competition. "About 70 countries are involved in one way or another in space activities," Lossden says.

Instead of competing with them, NASA "puts the emphasis on cooperation" to reduce costs and promote innovation.

NASA leader Jim Bradstein said this week that he wanted to work with other countries. He even mentioned the possibility that NASA will strengthen cooperation with China and added that he recently traveled to Israel to meet teams working on recruitment techniques.

The predecessor of Charles Bolden had warned not to repeat the mistakes of the time of the space program, that the United States would retreat as soon as it was preparing to make progress. "We can not handle another flaw like this," Bolden said.

As the moon team's next mission is expected to take place in five years, NASA plans to spend $ 10 billion on exploration. 2019.

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