Nassos Paparrigopoulos' unexpected reaction to Elias Gotsi!


Nbados Paparrigopoulos talked about the Splash show, but he was somewhat selective about the issues …

"It's very different outside of life after all this hunger difficulties, deprivation of liberty , come a renewal, but they do not last so long because of the problems we all face in society, "said the former Survivor when the reporter wanted to ask him if he considered the Survivor where the winner was Elias Gotsis, Nbados Papavriropoulos turned his head resentfully and asked another question: "The first thing you will do when you see Tolis Voskopoulos who will he be?", Pursuit the journalist, but in vain! Did not like either … "You know what, all this is a little gossip, I think what we say is good."

His reaction did not really pleased the presenters of Splash who commented on the incident …

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