NATO: Invitation to Skopje once a mutual solution to the name has been found. | World


Their decision & # 39; invite the government of & # 39; FYROM to start talks d & # 39; s membership with the & # 39; NATO, heads & # 39; State and Government of the & # 39; NATO underlined in the Brussels Summit declaration, while underlining that the implementation of all predetermined internal procedures is the precondition for the success of the accession process

The full text of the paragraph referring to Macedonia is:

"at the Bucharest summit, we decided that the & # 39; NATO postpones the & # 39; invitation to Macedonia to join the & # 39; Alliance as soon as & # 39; a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue will be found in the United Nations

We welcome the & # 39; historic agreement between Athens and Skopje on the name solution As part of our policy, we have decided to & # 39;. invite the government in Skopje to begin accession talks with our Alliance [19659004] The full implementation of all predetermined internal procedures, in accordance with the naming agreement, is a prerequisite for the completion of the membership process. We urge the Government to substantially strengthen good neighborly relations, including the entry into force of the Treaty on Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria. We welcome the decisive efforts of the new Government last year and the substantial progress made in a series of necessary reforms and we encourage further efforts in the post-accession and post-accession reforms to strengthen the country's contribution to Alliance

We also note the ongoing efforts to build an effective multinational corporation based on the full implementation of the Ohrid Agreement and we encourage further efforts in this regard. mea. We call on all political leaders in the country to play a constructive role in these processes and in the early implementation of the agreement to resolve the name problem. We appreciate the continued support of Skopje for NATO operations and for ongoing missions and ongoing contributions to international security. "

Stoltenberg: Macedonia will become a member of the & # 39; NATO

Macedonia can not become a member of the & # 39; NATO unless it changes its name does not ratify the & # 39; agreement with Greece, said Secretary General of the & # 39; NATO [19659004]. "C & # 39; is a unique opportunity for the Macedonian people and c & # 39; is his own decision" said Ges Stoltenberg stating that if the people of Macedonia n & # 39; no irixei the & # 39; agreement on the name, the country will not join the & # 39; NATO "It n & # 39;. there is no & # 39 other way than to change the name of the country, "he added.

He stressed that the accession negotiations with NATO have begun, but the completion of all the processes including the change of the country's constitution., in order to implement the agreement reached with Athens and NATO to invite the country to become the 30th member of the Alliance (1965, 1990) if (f .fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", // .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & gt; 109138906120213 & gt;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, "PageView"); [ad_2]
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