NBA: Everyone beats the Adodokunbo! Above and Lebron's nails – video


29.07.2018 | 00:24

Giannis Adatokunbo, who is titling Tim Harthawy junior, is also the best of the NBA, according to the official top 100 of the event. Lebron James left the Greek superstar in second place.

In a Milwaukee Bakk match against New York Nicks, John Adockunbo did not hesitate to even head Tim Harthawley Junior to win the basket, which resulted in the year's top for the NBA.

According to the list, with the 100 best bets of the year, published by the NBA itself, the Greek International Forward has surpbaded James Lebron, winning the top 100, but also participating in the D & 39. other nails.

The Top 100 NBA Nails

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