ND adheres to the model of cheap and flexible work


  Labor: ND insists on a cheap and flexible work model

For the obsession of the ND with the model of cheap work and flexible, "which is not hidden", the Ministry of Labor speaks in a statement of the deputy spokesman of the main opposition Mr. Kiranakis

According to the report in his statement, "after Mr. Mitsotakis, who characterized the outdated 8 hours, the deputy press spokesman of the main opposition party came up with a clearer formulation of the party's position publicly expressing admiration for the 12-hour work voted by the government Austrian. "

" This statement clearly reflects the future that the ND is shaping for the labor market, "the ministry said. as the Ministry of Labor says: "New Democracy is the party that lowers the minimum wage by the law, abolishes the framework of collective bargaining, opposes the reestablishment of the expansion of sectoral collective agreements. and outbidding them on the individual and finally, with a scabrous style referring to the department's announcement, "the fact that the day has 12 hours more and ND has not spoken about it yet" is disturbing. . What is rebaduring is that ND is not a government. "

Source: RES-MEP

Last updated: Friday, 20 July 2018, 19:34

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