ND: Government tried to deceive citizens – It must be excused


New Democracy accuses the government of trying to deceive the citizens by putting up a "sad TV show" starring the Prime Minister himself.

In a statement, following the revelations that the ministers had been informed of the first deaths of the fire before the meeting with Alexis Tsipras Monday night, ND stresses that the government should excuse

At the same time, however, he stressed that the government should finally inform the public about the exact number of missing persons. ] ND's Announcement:

"The government should apologize for hiding it on a sad TV show starring the Prime Minister himself, knowing that he was already aware of the existence of the dead, to deceive the citizens.

Above all, he must, however, inform the public of the exact number of missing persons.

The pain Greek society is great, there is no need for further confusion and additional lies. "

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