ND: The notorious "Kleisthenes" did not get a vote of confidence – National elections are the only way out | POLICY


For New Democracy, the "Kleisthenes" bill has not received a vote of confidence. Indeed, for the simple badogy of the regional elections, 150 deputies voted to change the election date 149, while at least that number would have been 151.

It should be noted that the draft law on "Kleisthenes" was voted by 150 votes to 123 votes against

The amendment on the simultaneous conduct of local and European elections was voted by 149 votes to 122, while a deputy voted "present".

"Day after day this government flees and wobbles. This is an unprecedented parliamentary decision, with major decisions being made without at least 151 votes, "said the main opposition press in a statement

The ND:

Mr. Tsipras and Kammenos, the famous Cleisthenes did not take a vote of confidence yesterday.The mere proportional to the regional elections was voted by 150 deputies and the change of the date of the Elections 149.

Day by day this government is fleeting and overwhelming.It is an unprecedented parliamentary initiative, with major decisions being made without at least 151 votes.

the only way out for the country is national elections. "

As much as Mr. Tsipras and Kammenos try to hide, their notorious Kleisthenes did not get a vote of confidence yesterday. The simple proportional to the regional elections voted 150 deputies and the change of the date of the elections 149. https://t.co/EJEk7DdVGC pic.twitter.com/tTcJdmvnH3

– NEW DEMOCRACY (@neademokratia) July 13, 2018

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