ND's Leadership Team Is Low Literacy Political And Historical – Newsbeast


State Minister Christoforos Vernardakis spoke of a new post-conflict interview given to the Athens / Macedonian news agency a day before the anniversary of the restoration of the Republic

M. Vernardakis said that by changing the production model, with the revival of the economic rights of the popular and middle clbades, with the reconstruction of the welfare state, with profound changes in the structure and functioning of the political system "Today we are facing the challenge"

At the same time, the Minister recalled that significant conquests, especially in the 1980s, were undermined "during the so-called period of" modernization ", and later on memoirs. "

Forty-four years later, the Minister of State also referred to the invasion of Cyprus, insisting that the forces that led to the treason" raise the head in playing with national interests and national sensitivities. "

Mr. Vernardakis mentioned" Political badociations do not scare us ", was the message that he sent.

To the question of knowing If the relationship between the state and the church should be included in the provisions to be reviewed, the minister answered directly: "Of course. The time has come for global regulation of Church-State relations, with absolute respect for the distinctiveness of their roles. "

At the same time, he believes that the voters of SYRIZA who remain undecided will finally be convinced by the party in power and stress that August 20, 2018 marks the return to a" regularity "that was missed by the country, but "this return does not mean that there are no objective limits to the exercise of our policies."

Chr. Vernardakis launched a violent attack on New Democracy, saying that "the light of Greece" for Mitsotaki is the HCDCP of Greece, SIEMENS and NOVARTIS.It is the BSE of Greece that dreams of the abolition of the eight-hour period. " He also argued that the current ruling party of the main opposition party – not just Mitsotakis – is of low political and historical education

For SYRIZA-KINAL relations, the state minister stressed that with the ruling group it manages the KINAL bridges are not only cut but n "Have never existed, while expressing the certainty that" a SYRIZA axis will create a constellation of progressive forces, an alliance of the left and the "left" center-left, which will curb (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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