Near to reveal many secrets of mummification


Beginning of the excavation of a mummification workshop discovered with a communal burial site, unique from various burial chambers and dating from the Sait-Persian period (664-404 BC), to the south from the Pyramid of Unas to Sakara

A collection of 35 mummies was discovered with four sealed sarcophagi to be visited by the Egyptian-German archbishop of Tübingen University. According to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency

the Egyptian minister said that one of the most important objects revealed was a golden mask found in a

Experts usually speak of a rare discovery that can reveal to us the secrets of mummification, the materials used at that time, the vessels, the cuts, the depth in the ground where everything was a ” width=”735″ height=”546″/>   Egyptian Antiquities   Egypt Antiques   Egypt Antiques [19659008]! Function (f, b), e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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