Nearly 9,000 migrants have been repatriated from Libya – SKAI (


Nearly 9,000 migrants were repatriated from Libya in the first six months of 2018, as part of the International Organization for Migration's "Voluntary Return" program, according to a government official. agency


Nearly 9,000 migrants were repatriated from Libya in the first six months of 2018, as part of "

Joma Bin Hbadan, the program coordinator in Tripoli said that up to 8 938 irregular immigrants from 30 African and Asian countries were repatriated during the first half of the year, according to a report by the International Organization for migration

The statistics he gave did not include persons with status (19459029)

In mid-June, UNHCR chief Philip Grange He said that only 2,000 refugees who have left Libya have arrived in a host country despite promises of 25,000 seats, calling on countries that have made commitments to speed up the resettlement process. asylum seekers

IOM repatriated p and 20,000 immigrants in 2017, and wants to increase this figure to 30,000 in 2018 as part of its voluntary return program.

The agency slowed the pace of returns late in 2017 the scandal caused by the November transmission of a CNN video depicting African immigrants sold as slaves near Tripoli [19659007] Already in the years of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi – who was overthrown and was killed in 2011 – in power in Libya, thousands of migrants and refugees crossed a porous southern border of the country, extending over 5,000 kilometers to try to reach Europe across the Mediterranean.

The situation quickly deteriorated after the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime while traffickers benefited from the chaos that reigns in Libya sends tens of thousands of migrants every year to the sea in direction of Italy, which is only 300 kilometers from the Libyan coast

Many migrants who are rescued or abducted off are taken to a detention center where conditions are inhuman and, finally, choose voluntary repatriation.

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