New diplomatic crisis? Padlock at Business France service in Moscow – World


A few hours ago, international news agencies shared dozens of photos with Vladimir Putin smiling to Emmanuel Makron as he celebrated the French triumph at the World Cup final in Moscow.

A few hours later, there was an evolution that testifies that the relations between Paris and Moscow are slowly cold …

An announcement was posted on the official website of the French Embbady in the Russian capital Office of Business France, responsible for promoting trade cooperation between the two countries

The press release: "The decision, which comes into force on July 16, 2018, in the wake of a decision of the authorities that a decision by which Business France is no longer allowed to operate in Russia on the basis of the provisions of French law puts an end to a long period of negotiations on the issue of the status of the Office of Cooperation in Russia, which, according to French law, is an integral part of the diplomatic system.

The operating conditions of France in Russia have considerably in recent months, particularly with the illicit seizures made to the bank account of the service, which is nevertheless protected by the Vienna Convention and after the expulsion of its director holding a diplomatic pbadport.

Indeed, local conditions no longer allowed Business France to fulfill its mission of providing public support services to French companies in the territory of the Russian Federation.

8 years in which Ubifrance, then Business France, helped to strengthen the presence of French companies in Russia and to intensify exchanges between the two countries, the agency will continue to support the French companies in this important context or purchase, and now depending on the private partners that are present in Russia to ensure the continuity of the paroschis services that it intends to provide the French State "

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