New Maltese – Italy counter for a boat with 450 immigrants


The Maltese Government categorically rejects the Italian obligation to rush to transport hundreds of migrants to the Mediterranean, stressing that the rescue of persons on board is the responsibility of the Italian authorities

The Minister of the Interior from the far right Italy Mato Salvini previously asked the Maltese authorities to rescue and accommodate about 450 immigrants aboard the ship while he was conducting search and rescue operations at an area of ​​responsibility by the Maltese authorities, stating that "this ship can not and must not arrive" in Italy

New Salvini block on a refugee ship

Since taking office last month, Salvini has been conducting an intensive campaign (19659005) "They wanted to go to Lampedusa"

"When we got in touch with them, the people the boat informed t The Maltese authorities declare that their intention This was to go to Lampedusa, Valletta said in a statement

referring to the Italian island between Sicily and Libya, on which traffickers often send dangerous ships. towards the Italian coast.

"Malta inspected the ship to ensure that immediate badistance would be offered if necessary.The ship is now in Italian territorial waters," 1969002 "

" Malta s ". is discharged of all its obligations under the international conventions on the coordination of search and rescue operations "

There have been two more conflicts between Valletta and Rome since the new government took office Italian, June 1, involving Lega, Salvini, anti-immigration of the far right, and the populist and anti-system Five-Star Movement (M5S) .In one case, the migrants and refugees who were rescued were been transferred to Spain, the second to Malta

"Open your own ports"

The leader of Levin Salvini insisted that Italy would not accept the migrants because it would not be possible for them to do so. is the responsibility of the Maltese government. a small island state has generally avoided having large numbers of refugees and migrants

More than 650,000 refugees and immigrants have arrived in Italy since 2014, but they generally try to move north. other Member States of the European Union. This year, the arrivals dropped by more than 85%

The Italian port also received about thirty Syrian refugees from ships flying earlier Friday, transported to Lampedusa

A few minutes after the announcement of Salvini, Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli (M5S) also asked Malta to act, saying it was his duty to send ships and "open his own ports".

Over the last four weeks, after the closure of the ports of Rome NGO Ships, more than 600 people, including their children, have drowned or have been missing in the Mediterranean, estimates the l? International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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