New party – President Dimitris Kammenos and Secretary General Panayiotis Baltakos – Politics


In the joint statement of former MP ANEL Dimitris Kammenos and the former Secretary of the Government (on the Samara government), Panayiotis Baltakos uses the term "Patriotic Front", which probably refers to party name. The main question is the question of the name of Macedonia.

  Former Secretary General of the Government, Takis Baltakos, in the courts of Evelpidon Street, will testify on Monday, April 7, 2014.
Prosecutor Calliope Dajanda is investigating whether Elijah Kbadidiaris has been executed for violating the law on personal data.
Former Secretary General of the Government, Takis Baltakos, Street Courts of Euphelon, will file a witness on Monday, April 7, 2014. The trial court prosecutor, Calliope Dagyanda, is investigating whether Elijah Kbadidiaris was executed by the crime violation of the law on personal data. (EUROKINISSI / GEORGIA PANAGOPOULOU)

Here we announce our intention to establish a right-wing party with the aim of facilitating the formation of a wider Patriotic Front in order to avoid the tradition of the name of Macedonia in the Slavs on the other hand, the leftist government, which has not only made this sacrifice, but also an obvious impediment to the economic development of the country, would be removed from power.

The president of this patriotic party will be Mr. Dimitris

We address the Greek patriots, both in Greece and abroad, who oppose the tradition of the holy name of Macedonia .

We address those who do not accept the degeneration of education and religion.

We address those who want the restoration of law and order in Chora, with a decisive repression of crime

We address those who reject attacks on the Greek people. of the Church and Orthodoxy

We address those who tear up when they hear the national anthem and the "famous Macedonian".

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