New President, Social Democrats, Obrador INTERNATIONAL


The Social Democrat Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was elected President of Mexico in Sunday's election to elect a president, 500 members of parliament, 128 senators and some elected municipal and regional .

Lopez Obrador, the second presidential candidate, heads the National Renaissance Party ("MORENA"), supported by a group of civilian political forces: From the Maoist Workers Party (PT) to t (1967) , the neo-liberal social meeting (PSE), which among other things openly supports Israeli settlements in Palestine.

According to the first official records of the Mexican National Electoral Institute, "the history of collective writing" of Obrador – 53.8%. The "conservative" – ​​"neo-liberal" candidate, Ricardo Anagia, at the head of the "Forward For Mexico" coalition, represented 22.1% of the votes – 22.8% of the votes, while Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) should receive 15.7% -16.3% of votes

In his statements, Obrador tried to rebadure the Mexican bourgeoisie for the period of government. a series of monopolist groups openly support him – and he called for reconciliation after a polar campaign, during which at least 145 politicians and candidates were murdered.

He promised "profound change," but with "respect for law and the constitutional order". "There will be no seizure or expropriation of property, the eradication of corruption will be the main mission," said . "" I wish with all my heart to enlarge the greatness of our country.

He also stressed that individual and property rights would be guaranteed, promised respect for the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and stated that his government would maintain economic and fiscal discipline. Regarding the wave of privatizations made by the previous president, Enriche Penia Nietos, noted that the contracts made in Energy will be carefully examined for any "corruption or illegality"

Finally, he made it clear that he would seek "a relationship of friendship and respect with the United States," amid the US government's imposed contributions to Mexico and pressures to renegotiate the agreement. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

The President of the United States, Don FMI Trump congratulated Obrador, writing: "I look forward to working with him. a lot to to do that will benefit the United States and Mexico! He congratulated "for a long time a close friend and a partner", emphasizing that "we unite common goals" "we enjoy a mutually commercial relationship beneficial that provokes the envy of the rest of the world. "

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