New video – Document: Taxi driver and actor eat together in fast food – Society


A new video documentary with the 29-year-old actor accused of violating the taxi driver of the disputed night of Nov. 13 was discovered.

The photo taken by the security camera featured in Tatiana Stefanidou's "Together" show and showed the two men – the driver and the actor – eating together in a fast food restaurant in Monastiraki, which was the second leg of their journey.

According to what the taxi driver claims while he was eating together in fast food, his actor asked the taxi keys to allow him to take the cigarettes from his bag that he had left in the seat of the co-driver and, when he went to the vehicle, he dropped a drug. in the driver's cafe, causing a little later to faint.

In the video, the man in the red jacket is the actor and the man to the black taxi driver.

The man who saw them there and served them, speaking at the show, revealed that the taxi driver had been there and at other times. "There was a toilet, the other came in … Very comfortable both, it does not seem to have been used, he paid the card to the actor," he said. he declares.

Conflicting filings

What does the actor pretend: "From there, we went from (…) next to the Warehouse Theater, which is located in Sarris, Monastiraki, because I was hungry, because, as I told you, j & rsquo; Was all day on the street and just seeing the store I offered to give it something, as the gentleman said, just seeing the sandwich say "Oh, it's good to go to urinate," say, and he saw a reason for the taxi driver to come out.

I ate, he first went to urinate. Leaving there, I had already ordered my sandwich, started and watched if she wanted to eat something and so on, then he ordered it too. Do I let my child make me do them and I turn around and I do "I take you a taxi to your taxi, is it open?" In the co-pilot's position, I had my bag to take one of my cigarettes because I was bored of waiting for the other man to make the sandwich say. I go there, I can not find my cigarettes anyway, I come back I say that I did not find them, it was a mess for my bag, I mean messy, c & # 39; that's what I mean.

From that moment on, when the time to pay, he was looking for something, he was doing something thick, and I gave him the card that I had on him and told him to find on the way. I did not offer to treat him. We saw the sandwich, went to eat, went pee, just left, ordered, searched, did not say it and said, "Come on, my friend, from the map because we are here for a quarter. " I say to the child "of my card" and I tell him with the guide "we are found on the way". Ok, ok I have not offered to give it anything, it's a big difference.

Of course (we ate together), how to eat them separately. I continued, of course, because I was not driving, it was the driver, we sat down and ate here. We closed the taximeter. Apparently, no matter what I owe to me, I absolutely could not wait to eat anything, I would not pay for it, "said the actor.

Asked about the taxi's claim that something had been thrown in his cafe, the 29-year-old said: "He says that's what I did in the sandwich when I went to get my cigarettes in the car, which I did not find, and at this point he says I did not throw him anything in the coffee, so I did not get sprays on me. "

What the taxi driver claims: "He led me to Monastiraki at the brand's shop … There we went out of my vehicle because he suggested I make a sandwich." At one point, he I said to open the car to pick up his cigarettes, which I did.When we got back in the taxi, there was a strong smell that gave me the head that was spinning when I was inhaled and too exhausted, slowly my coffee to help and start going to Gazi.On ​​the way, I started to feel excited and to feel a strong erotic desire.I also felt that I could not deny anything he said, "said the taxi.

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