New "wreck" on the question of the referendum


Third meeting of the political leaders in Skopje for the referendum on the agreement of the nomenclature

The long-standing consultations began at 9 am and ended around 6 pm in the afternoon . Still, there was no agreement on the referendum issue

Zoran Zaev, however, as reported the MIA news agency, insisted that the referendum would go from the front and would run smoothly, attacking the leader of the main opposition, Christian Mitschuki,

"He lies when he says he wants Macedonia to join the EU and l & # 39; NATO, VMRO-DPMNE and Mitschukski have chosen to stay on the dark side of history, but we will go forward.Nobody can prevent "Macedonia" from succeeding, "said Prime Minister Macedonian minister after the meeting.

Safek explained that, despite the referendum disagreement, the government will observe what was agreed in the first part of today 's consultations, the financing of parties, the composition of the Central Electoral Commission, as well as the holding of elections with the sky

For its part, Mitschuki stated that the main disagreement between the government and the main opposition concerns the wording of the referendum question. "The question must be clear, do not over-interpret and relate only to the agreement," he said.

It is recalled that last week's proposal was the question of the referendum in the referendum: "Are you in favor of joining the EU and NATO by accepting the Agreement between Macedonia and Greece?

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